I should start out by saying that I have a weak green thumb. This year we decided that we wanted a real vegetable garden. In the past we’ve had mediocre success planting potted plants- tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. Some years we would have an abundance of peppers, some years we’d harvest only a handful of tomatoes, and one year we got maybe one tomato but managed to attract some monster caterpillars, which coincidentally I saw on display at the Smithsonian that year. (Or something similar at least.)
Despite our not-so-great success, this year we decided we were ready to graduate to a real garden! Not holding back at all, we also decided that a raised bed constructed out of stone would also suit our needs best. Silly us. What a pain it was to haul 132 bricks from Lowe’s to the backyard of our townhouse. So this is what we’ve been doing the past three weekends. Finally finished up yesterday!
Looks like too much work!!!